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Press review2023-07-24T12:20:55+02:00

What moves the residential real estate market?

Ladies and Gentlemen

Seemingly contradictory signals are typical of trend reversals. Is the correction in real estate prices over or not? Where is it worth starting now? And is buying a property with backward energy efficiency standards more of a risk or an opportunity? Does the proposal to abolish the property transfer tax have a chance of success?

In this newsletter we address the most important topics that have occupied the media in recent weeks. We have compiled the most relevant media articles and studies for you, classified them and commented on them from the perspective of an insider in the residential real estate market.

We wish you an interessting lecture!

Kind regards, yours

Frank Wojtalewicz

Managing Director
d.i.i. Investment GmbH

Dirk Hasselbring

Managing Director
d.i.i. Investment GmbH

Contents of this edition:

