The Federal Constitutional Court has spoken. The money from Corona loans - 60 billion euros - must not flow into the Climate and Transformation Fund (KTF) to finance Germany's energy transformation. Associations in the housing and real estate industry are sounding the alarm. Their demand: The building energy transition must not be affected by cuts. What is now needed is legal and planning security. Above all, there should be no cuts in funding for building renovations. It is also about the sector’s climate goals that need to be achieved.

Commentary by Frank Wojtalewicz

The process shows: The generational task of energy transition, which affects all sectors and branches of the economy, but also every individual citizen, must be solidly financed and must not stand on shaky ground. Planning and legal certainty are a very valuable asset, especially in the world of business. This applies even more to long-term industries such as the real estate industry. We don't just think until the next annual financial statements or the end of the legislative period, but often over decades. Therefore: Sleight of hand à la “left pocket, right pocket” should not be the basis for financing and promoting important energy transition projects.

Managing Director
d.i.i. Investment GmbH